Francesca Marchese on The Sunday Telegraph about heatwave in Sicily (48.8C!) Francesca Marchese 133 подписчика Скачать
OxfordStreet London during the security alert, Francesca Marchese’s live reporting for Studio Aperto Скачать
Oxford Street security alert, Francesca Marchese reporting live as guest of Repubblica FB page Скачать
#Londra #PrimoApprodo La mia esperienza oggi su Unomattina, nel servizio Rai di Marco Varvello Скачать
#NelsonMandela,tribute to him yesterday night outiside of SouthAfrica House, Trafalgar Square,London Скачать
WebSummit, my interview with the BBC journalist Samantha Barry about Elon Musk and tips for startups Скачать
Privacy, web and G20: the view of the American blogger Robert Scoble ("Scobleizer"). #WebSummit Скачать