Hidden fees are everywhere. Spot them as a consumer and rethink them as an innovator to build trust. Скачать
Unlock Your Potential: Soren Kaplan on Experiential Intelligence for Personal and Leadership Growth Скачать
Unlocking Team Potential: Soren Kaplan on Experiential Intelligence for High-Performing Teams Скачать
Design Thinking in Action: Soren Kaplan on Fueling Innovation Through Creative Problem-Solving Скачать
Innovation Trivia Show: Soren Kaplan’s Fun & Engaging Path to Unlocking Creative Breakthroughs Скачать
Innovation is a Cycle: Soren Kaplan on Building a Culture of Continuous Growth and Creativity Скачать
Aligning for Innovation: Soren Kaplan on Giving Everyone a Clear Line of Sight to the Customer Скачать
Innovation Lessons from Paris: How a Coffee Shop Inspires Creative Breakthroughs with Soren Kaplan Скачать
Revolutionizing the Customer Experience: Soren Kaplan on the Power of Disruptive Business Models Скачать
Unlocking Creativity: Soren Kaplan on How Your Brain Stifles Innovation and How to Overcome It Скачать
Innovating for Success: Soren Kaplan’s 3 Key Questions for Building Disruptive Business Models Скачать