Digital pH-Meter | Part (2/2) | Calibration | Measurement of pH #pH_Meter #pH #pOH #buffersolution NEAR TO PHYSICS (MAKSB) 380 подписчиков Скачать
Digital pH-Meter | Part (2/2) | Calibration | Measurement of pH #pH_Meter #pH #pOH #buffersolution Скачать
Digital pH-Meter | Part (1/2) | pH and pOH | Buffer Solution #pH_Meter #pH #pOH #buffersolution Скачать
Electronic Kitchen Scale | SF-400A | Part (2/2) | Comparision Between SF-400 & SF-400A | #MAKSB Скачать
Electronic Kitchen Scale | SF-400 | Part (1/2) |Digital Weight Balance | Complete Review #MAKSB Скачать
Digital Fraud | Part (1/3) | Calibration of Digital Machine | #calibration #PetrolMachine #maksb Скачать
Digital Fraud | Part (2/3) | Calibration of Digital Machine | #calibration #PetrolMachine #maksb Скачать
Digital Fraud | Part (3/3) | Calibration of Digital Machine | #calibration #PetrolMachine #maksb Скачать
Internal Resistance of cell | Part (3/3) | Potentiometer | Urdu/Hindi | #Potentiometer #MAKSB Скачать
Comparision of Emf of Cells | Part (2/3) | Potentiometer | Urdu/Hindi | #Potentiometer #MAKSB Скачать
Resistance of wire By Slide wire bridge (part 1/2)|Nature of material by its Resistivity|#science Скачать
Simple Pendulum | Dependenc of Amplitude and Mass on the Time Period of Pendulum |Part(2/2)#science Скачать
Simple Pendulum|Value of "g"|Dependence of Length of pendulum on its Time Period|Part(1/2)|#science Скачать
Conversion of Units of Area & Volume in Easy way|#education #science #physics #easiest #how #maksb Скачать
Conventions for scientific Problems|Easy Conversion of Units of Length|#education #science #physics Скачать
Physical & non-Physical Quantities|Systems of physical Quantities|Conventional & SI Systems|MAKSB Скачать
#sonic #ator #sonicator #education #science #physics #maksb #how #lab #easiest #practical #practice Скачать
#orbital #shaker #education #science #physics #practical #practice #how #lab #maksb #NearToPhysics Скачать
Use of Mixer's|Magnetic Hot Plate|Orbital Shaker| Sonicator| Lab Practical|Physics|Science|MAKSB Скачать
#magnetic #mixer #science #physics #education #knowledge #maksb #NearToPhysics #lab #practical Скачать
Dimension & it's Importance?|Units & Dimensions|Correctness of equation Dimensionally & Physically Скачать
NOT-Gate|Part(5/5)|IC-7404|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
NOT-Gate|Part(4/5)|IC-7404|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
NOT-Gate|Part(3/5)|IC-7404|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
NOT-Gate|Part(2/5)|IC-7404|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
NOT-Gate|Part(1/5)|IC-7404|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
OR-Gate|Part(4/4)|IC-7432|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
OR-Gate|Part(3/4)|IC-7432|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
OR-Gate|Part(2/4)|IC-7432|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
OR-Gate|Part(1/4)|IC-7432|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
AND-Gate|Part(4/4)|IC-7408|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
AND-Gate|Part(3/4)|IC-7408|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
AND-Gate|Part(2/4)|IC-7408|Electronics|Practical|Physics|Shorts|Near to Physics|Hindi/Urdu|MAKSB Скачать
AND-Gate|Part(1/4)#IC-7408#Electronics#Practical#Physics#Shorts#Near to Physics#Hindi/Urdu#MAKSB Скачать
What is RLC-Parallel/Rejector Circuit?|How a Rejector Circuit Work?|Theory&Practical|Part(2/2)|MAKSB Скачать
What is RLC-Series/Accepter Circuit?|How an Accepter Circuit Work?|Theory&Practical|Part(1/2)|MAKSB Скачать
Rheostat | How is it to be used as Variable Resistor & Potential Divider? | Theory & Practical Скачать
Finding and Verifying Tc by Charging and Discharging of a Capacitor|Physics|Theory&Practical|MAKSB Скачать
Unknown weight By Gravsand's Apparatus Using Vector Addition Method | Theory & Practical |#maksb Скачать
What is a Clipper Circuit?||How A Clipper Circuit Work?||Biased Clipper||Theory & Practical||MAKSB Скачать
What is a Clamper Circuit?||How A Clamper Circuit Work?||Biased Clamper||Theory & Practical||MAKSB Скачать
A.C frequency by Melde's Apparatus Producing Stationary Waves||Physics Practical & Theory||MAKSB Скачать
PN Diode|Characteristics of Diode Practical|Forward and reverse biasing of Diode|Electronics|MAKSB Скачать
Full wave Bridge Rectification by 4 Diode|D.C Pulses Filtration|Practical Performance On CRO|MAKSB Скачать
Half & Full wave centered tapped Rectification Using Single & dual Diodes|Practical using CRO|MAKSB Скачать
NOT gate|Logic gate NOT|How to construct and verify NOT gate|Science|Physics|Theory&Practical|MAKSB Скачать
OR gate|Logic gate OR|How to construct and verify OR gate|Science|Physics|Theory&Practical|MAKSB Скачать
AND gate|Logic gate AND|How to construct and verify AND gate|Science|Physics|Theory&Practical|MAKSB Скачать
How to find P and N legs of diode and Transistor?|Useful Continuty test|Learn DMM|Physics|MAKSB Скачать
Behaviour of an L.E.D for an Alternating current and direct current|Effect of an A.c&D.c|PHY|MAKSB Скачать
Difference between|A.C and D.C|Electronic and conventional Current|F.B,R.B & Zero biasing of diodes Скачать
Photocell Apparatus | Complete Practical | Class 12 Physics | #photocell #photocurrent #maksb Скачать
Value of Gravitational acceleration "g" by free fall Method|Matric,F.Sc,B.Sc Physics Practical|MAKSB Скачать
Unknown Resistance by using Neon Flash Lamp Apparatus | #resistance #neon #flash #lamp #apparatus Скачать
Relation between Current(I) and Capacitance(C) in A.c circuits|F.Sc,B.Sc Practical|PHYSICS|MAKSB Скачать
Cross sectional area of wire and Sphere by Using Screw gauge|Matric,F.ScB.Sc Practical|Physics|Maksb Скачать
Find volume of cylinder by using veriner calliper|Practical|F.Sc Intermediate|Matric|Physics|MAKSB Скачать
How to Make a graph between two physical quantities|Drawing of Graph| Practical|Physics|MAKSB Скачать
Intermediate Physics Important Practicals|Important Practicals F.Sc|Part I&II|Science|Physics|MAKSB Скачать
Paper pattern and number distribution of physics intermediate|Pakistan|Complete Info.|Physics|Maksb Скачать
Significant figures series|Easiest way to understand SIG.FIGS|Part(3/3)|Science|Physics|Maksb Скачать
Significant figures series|Easiest way to understand SIG.FIGS|Part(2/3)|Science|Physics|MAKSB Скачать
Significant figures series|Easiest way to understand SIG.FIGS|Part(1/3)|Science|Physics|Maksb Скачать
How to Round off a Number?|Detailed Lecture on Rounding off a Number|Physics|Maths|Science|MAKSB Скачать
Which thing makes a device(Having Movable and Static Manual Scaling) more precise? Part (3/3)|MAKSB Скачать
Which thing makes a device(Having Movable and Static Manual Scaling) more precise? Part (2/3)|MAKSB Скачать
Which thing makes a device(Having Movable and Static Manual Scaling) more precise? Part (1/3)|MAKSB Скачать
Relation (Precision, Random error) and (Accuracy, Systematic error) part (3/3)|Science|Physics|MAKSB Скачать
Shortcut And Quick Way to use a Manual Micrometer Screw gauge part(7/7)|Science|Physics|MAKSB Скачать
3rd case of main scale view of Screw gauge|Negative error correction| part(5/7)|SciencePhysics|MAKSB Скачать
2nd case of Main scale view of screw gauge|Positive error correction|part(4/7)|Science|Physics|MAKSB Скачать