Details: For leading international company VolkerWessels, exchanging data through open formats across disciplines and project stakeholders was key to the success of the Zwolle-Herfte railway expansion project, one of the biggest junctions of the Netherlands. Learn More: Script: Volker Wessels is a leading international company that operates according to the think global act local principle and has over 130 local operating companies. As multiple disciplines are involved in most of our projects, exchanging data is key to the project success. Data is still often fragmented in silos and difficult to access. Breaking down silos is becoming easier with the latest technology, which in cloud-enabled technology and workflows with reusable data formats, accommodates collaboration between teams, project partners, and disciplines enabling a better exchange of data by supporting open formats. Volker Wessels wants to develop into a data-driven construction company. So in BIM GIS, the digital twin is where we increasingly integrate. The integrated approach of BIM and GIS is an important part of project data strategy. Over the last few years, we saw BIM and GIS develop independently. Both use open standards, and it really helped to bring these two worlds together. Zwolle-Herfte railway expansion is perfectly suited for a combined approach of BIM and GIS methods. In short, the key benefits are about transparency and better collaboration. The team gets a much more in-depth understanding of the project design, system engineering, scheduling and planning, stakeholder communication, and surveying. A rail project on this scale has many complexities. Zwolle-Herfte railway expansion area is a couple of kilometers long, one of the biggest junctions of the Netherlands There’s a lot of crossings with existing roads, canals, and bicycle paths causing orienting within the project area to be quite a challenge. On this project, we used tools like Revit, Civil 3D, and BIM 360, an important data source for the GIS environment we have. The possibility to connect data on different platforms reduces the time that is needed to find the right data. I think it is very important that software vendors have an open attitude to collaborate with other software packages, and using open standards is a very good way to make that happen. What really forces innovation is being able to exchange data as easily as possible between the software applications and industries like Autodesk, ESRI, ArcGIS, and Unity. ... data is more transparent and accessible than ever, but making sure this data is solid, verified, reusable to all project stakeholders is one of our top priorities in our data strategies. We’re actively participating also in local initiatives to further develop the exchange of data using those open formats and standards of data exchange. So we together with Autodesk, ESRI, and Unity, yeah. that really helps us move the industry forward. - Follow us on Twitter: @AutodeskCivil3D - / @infraworks - - Follow us on Facebook: @AutodeskInfraworks - / @Autodeskcivil3d - - Subscribe to the Blog to stay up to date: - Subscribe: - Follow us on Twitter: @AutodeskCivil3D - / @infraworks - - Follow us on Facebook: @AutodeskInfraworks - / @Autodeskcivil3d - - Subscribe to the Blog to stay up to date: - Subscribe:
Autodesk and Esri have formed a strategic alliance to integrate location intelligence with design data. BIM & GIS integration helps you make smarter decisions and solve real-world problems so you can create a more sustainable, resilient future.

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