A Life for the Tsar, Act III: Coro nuziale e scena Hor Beogradske Opere - Topic 2:15 107 Далее Скачать
A Life For The Tsar, Act IV: Finale chorus Simfonični Orkester RTV Ljubljana - Topic 7:07 150 Далее Скачать
A Life for the Tsar, Op. 4, Act III: Canzone e duetto Melanija Bugarinović - Topic 8:28 216 Далее Скачать
A Life for the Tsar, Op. 4, Act I: Scena, trio e finale Nicolai Gedda - Topic 16:58 332 Далее Скачать
Zhizn' za tsarya (A Life for the Tsar) , Op. 4 : Act III: Scene and Chorus: — (Susanin, Vania,... Boris Christoff - Topic 13:17 158 Далее Скачать
A Life for the Tsar, Act III: Duet: Kak mat' ubili u malogo ptentsa (When they killed the... Release - Topic 9:11 130 Далее Скачать
A Life for the Tsar, Op. 4, Act III: I Do Not Grieve for That, My Friends Chorus Of The Yugoslav Army - Topic 4:05 11 Далее Скачать