Explosive Rope: Unraveling The Mysteries Of Detcord Ordnance Lab 18:42 2 years ago 411 570 Далее Скачать
Tree Trimming With Det-Cord - Explosives Research, Vol 3 Nathan Kostelecky 0:31 8 years ago 105 260 Далее Скачать
Detcord & PE making digging easy! A little household job I needed to do Explosive Science 1:29 3 years ago 4 813 Далее Скачать
Wrapping an Entire Body in Det Cord! - Ballistic High-Speed Ballistic High-Speed 15:47 1 year ago 2 108 882 Далее Скачать
Blasting Granite with heavy Det Cord Demolition Dave Drilling and Blasting 1:37 6 years ago 30 685 Далее Скачать
Detcord, Pipebombs, and Grenades VS TREES! (Part 1) #topshotreeservice Top Shot Dustin (Top Shot Dustin) 12:24 2 years ago 51 068 Далее Скачать
Detcord vs barrel - 12g/m High Explosive Cordtex 4m around an oil drum Explosive Science 0:56 9 years ago 4 879 Далее Скачать