[4K] ETR 470 approaching Larissa station as ICE 61 (3/8/2022) Θοδωρής Ιωάννου 0:27 2 years ago 2 341 Далее Скачать
ETR 470 arrives at Larissa Station as ICE 60 (30/7/2022) Θοδωρής Ιωάννου 0:43 2 years ago 1 275 Далее Скачать
ETR 470 arrives at Larissa station as ICE-60 (30/7/2022) Θοδωρής Ιωάννου 0:32 2 years ago 617 Далее Скачать
(4K) Trainose ETR 470 007 on ICE 60 at Dekelia Panos G - Trains for life 0:37 2 years ago 876 Далее Скачать
ETR470 in Greece passes a noisy rail joint at speed (2022) The Hellenic Trainspotters 0:29 2 years ago 3 296 Далее Скачать
Hellenic Train ETR-470 as ICE 60 evening high speed train service from Athens to Thessaloniki Billy Kapantais 0:34 2 years ago 452 Далее Скачать
TARINS ETR 470 (pendolino) new lagzri trin in Greece very fast trin in the Greece Islamic World 26 (IW26) 0:20 2 years ago 545 Далее Скачать
Night trainspotting between Rouf and Athens central| PANOSG42 PANOSG42 - Trainspotting channel 5:58 1 year ago 836 Далее Скачать
Hellenic Train ETR 470 ICE 50 at Tithorea station central Greece 1/9/2022 Stathis Chaidemenos 0:21 2 years ago 672 Далее Скачать
Hellenic Train ICE 51 ETR 470 at Tithorea station central Greece 29/9/2022 Stathis Chaidemenos 0:33 2 years ago 1 388 Далее Скачать