Enteric fever | Typhoid fever | Paratyphoid fever | Clinical features | Investigations | Treatment DocuTales 2:54 3 years ago 378 Далее Скачать
TYPHOID FEVER IN MEXICO. Where we’ve been and why we had to stop traveling! Marshall and Aimee 6:04 2 years ago 352 Далее Скачать
Medical vocabulary: What does Salmonella paratyphi B mean botcaster bot (B Bot) 0:09 8 years ago 328 Далее Скачать
nedraG efildliW hsittocS morf KU dnaltocS saremaC efildliW ,sredeeF driB 🔴 EVIL SWG Development Далее Скачать
Site Specific Lysine Acetylation of Histones by Genetic Code Expansion | Protocol Preview JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) 2:01 1 year ago 170 Далее Скачать
Phage Science break-through to alleviate antibiotics time bomb AHDB 8:11 7 years ago 123 Далее Скачать
3 DNA is also written as (A) Deoxyribonucleic Acid B Deoxyribosenuceic Acid (C) Deoxyrinucleic Acid Mira Siddiq 0:39 7 hours ago No Далее Скачать
Salmonella detection with a chromogenic media - IRIS Salmonella by BIOKAR Diagnostics DKSH 5:35 3 years ago 778 Далее Скачать