Herodian Road From Shiloah Pool to the Western Wall City of David 3:19 12 years ago 18 705 Далее Скачать
City of David - Herodian Road From Shiloah Pool to the Western Wall and the Jewish Temple The Holy Land, by Zahi Shaked 0:52 11 years ago 77 Далее Скачать
the Herodian Road From Shiloah Pool to the Western Wall and the Jewish Temple - City of David The Holy Land, by Zahi Shaked 0:28 11 years ago 67 Далее Скачать
City of David. The Old City of Jerusalem - Herodian Road From Shiloah Pool to the Western Wall The Holy Land, by Zahi Shaked 3:14 12 years ago 104 Далее Скачать
A walk through from the Pool of Siloam via the Dung Gate to the Western Wall (Kotel) | Jerusalem CFI Jerusalem - Christian Friends of Israel 3:57 4 years ago 309 Далее Скачать
The Entire Pilgrim's Road: City of David and Western Wall Tunnels of the Jewish Temple SusanLWSchmidt 5:42 4 years ago 6 173 Далее Скачать
Why This 2,000 Year Old Jerusalem Road May be the Most Important Archaeological Dig in the World Erick Stakelbeck on TBN 6:49 4 years ago 19 080 Далее Скачать
Secrets of the Western Wall Tunnels: The Great Bridge Tour The Jewrnal 40:23 1 year ago 397 582 Далее Скачать
A detailed tour of the Western Wall Tunnel Jerusalem - A real piece of history under the Old City The Holy Land, by Zahi Shaked 7:02 9 years ago 12 393 Далее Скачать
Israel Underground: UNCOVERING the Pool of Siloam & Jerusalem's Ancient Pilgrimage Road | TBN Israel TBN Israel 24:52 1 year ago 299 979 Далее Скачать
Joey & Sara Siloam pool and herodian road from Siloam that Jocelyn Flory 1:22 11 years ago 23 Далее Скачать
Pilgrims’ Road’ opens in Jerusalem, cementing Israel’s hold over city World Israel News 1:16 5 years ago 4 164 Далее Скачать
Tunnel from Siloam pool to south wall of Temple Mount. GeeMisterB 3:31 13 years ago 467 Далее Скачать
Jerusalem - the Herodian Street Along the Western Wall and a memory of the Temple destruction The Holy Land, by Zahi Shaked 1:25 12 years ago 1 170 Далее Скачать
Jesus walked here- Jerusalem Street from the Shiloah Pool to the Jewish Temple (built by King Herod) The Holy Land, by Zahi Shaked 3:20 4 years ago 1 776 Далее Скачать
From the Pool of Siloam to the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, a street from the time of King Herod The Holy Land, by Zahi Shaked 2:35 4 years ago 582 Далее Скачать
מנהרת הכותל (מתחת לרובע המוסלמי), ירושלים העתיקה ישראל עם הסברים. צחי שקד, מורה דרך The Holy Land, by Zahi Shaked 7:02 6 years ago 162 Далее Скачать