Discuss the Seven Basic Management Functions and Provide real-life Examples (LU3/LO8) Rosebank College Academic TV 2:32 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Forms of Non-verbal Communication and Apply each to Real-life Scenarios (LU4/LO4) Rosebank College Academic TV 2:00 2 weeks ago 344 Далее Скачать
The Relationship between PR, Marketing and Adevrtising and Provide Real-life Examples (LU1/LO4) Rosebank College Academic TV 2:12 2 weeks ago 1 Далее Скачать
Practical Examples of what the PRP can do to Generate Publicity for an Organisation (LU2/LO12) Rosebank College Academic TV 1:46 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Discuss the Various Barriers to Communication and Apply each to Real-life Scenarios (LU4/LO2) Rosebank College Academic TV 3:09 2 weeks ago 3 Далее Скачать
Discuss the Key Internal Target Publics of an Organisation and Provide Real-life Examples (LU3/LO5) Rosebank College Academic TV 1:35 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Compare PRISA'S definition of PR to other Definitions of PR (LU1/LO1) Rosebank College Academic TV 2:09 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Discuss the Various Categories and Types of Events and Provide Real-life Examples (LU2/LO14) Rosebank College Academic TV 4:49 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Explain the Stages of Speech Preparation (LU4/LO6) Rosebank College Academic TV 2:03 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Explain what Media Relations is (LU2/LO8) Rosebank College Academic TV 1:25 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Discuss the Key External Target Publics of an Organisation and Provide Real-life Examples (LU3/LO6) Rosebank College Academic TV 3:27 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Apply the Various Room Layout Options to Real-life Scenarios (LU2/LO17) Rosebank College Academic TV 2:07 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Explain what Corporate Social Responsibility is (LU2/LO1) Rosebank College Academic TV 1:45 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Provide Practical Examples of Good and Bad PR Practises in the PR Industry (LU1/LO5) Rosebank College Academic TV 1:32 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Organise and Classify Material for Speeches (LU4/LO8) Rosebank College Academic TV 1:59 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Examples of Crisis Communication Situations in a South African COntect (LU2/LO6) Rosebank College Academic TV 2:13 2 weeks ago 1 Далее Скачать
Discuss the Importance of Accurately Defining the Target Public (LU3/LO2) Rosebank College Academic TV 2:06 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Apply the Various Communication Tools used in Media Relations to Real-life Scenarios (LU2/LO10) Rosebank College Academic TV 2:01 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать
Discuss the Various Categories and Types of News and Provide Real-life Examples (LU2/LO11) Rosebank College Academic TV 3:27 2 weeks ago No Далее Скачать