Is our energy market broken? | IEA Podcast Institute of Economic Affairs 35:51 2 years ago 3 835 Далее Скачать
Energy crisis: 'The power and gas markets are fundamentally broken' says expert GBNews 3:28 2 years ago 3 674 Далее Скачать
How Britain broke its electrical grid (and how to fix it) Simon Clark 18:41 1 month ago 101 074 Далее Скачать
Martin Lewis explains why the energy price cap is broken 6:10 5 years ago 7 835 Далее Скачать
Energy crisis: 'The market is broken and not working for consumers' GBNews 3:25 2 years ago 1 226 Далее Скачать
E63: Europe’s electricity market: the scam of the century? DiEM25 57:26 Streamed 2 years ago 456 600 Далее Скачать
Our energy system is broken - and this is how we fix it | Felix Wight | TEDxLondon TEDx Talks 14:36 2 years ago 3 280 Далее Скачать
Doomberg Exposes the Energy Crisis: Trump, China & Peak Shale! In it to Win it 1:03:38 1 day ago 11 487 Далее Скачать
World’s most powerful wind turbine sees its typhoon-proof blades break in China Straight Arrow News 1:33 1 day ago 59 642 Далее Скачать
Simplifying Energy #1: How does the energy market work? Over50sMoney 4:29 1 year ago 4 882 Далее Скачать
Market To Crash: Dividend Stocks, Energy Stocks, and Bonds TheTechnicalTraders 18:33 53 minutes ago 854 Далее Скачать