OLS-7 Cohort call week 4: READMEs & CONTRIBUTING , LICENSES and CODE OF CONDUCT OLS 1:14:17 1 year ago 150 Далее Скачать
OLS-3 Week 4 Cohort call 2: Tooling and roadmapping for open projects OLS 1:07:49 3 years ago 68 Далее Скачать
Call opens for application to the OLS-7 training and mentoring call OLS 0:27 1 year ago 31 Далее Скачать
[OLS-2] Cohort call 2 - week 4 - Tooling and roadmapping for open projects OLS 1:17:02 4 years ago 58 Далее Скачать
OLS Nebula-2, Session 8: Open Code II - Project documentation, README file, licensing OLS 56:18 2 weeks ago 80 Далее Скачать
OLS-3 Week 10 Cohort call: Open Science III: Next steps - applying FAIR research principles OLS 1:16:24 3 years ago 56 Далее Скачать