John Kerry's Opening Statement at Confirmation Hearing ABC News 21:21 11 years ago 12 455 Далее Скачать
US Senate approves Kerry's nomination as Secretary of State TeleSUR English 0:35 11 years ago 116 Далее Скачать
Senator Menendez's Opening Remarks at SFRC Hearing on Nomination of John Kerry As Secretary of State Senator Bob Menendez 4:46 11 years ago 140 Далее Скачать
Cardin Previews Senator Kerry Secretary of State Nomination Vote SenatorCardin 9:44 11 years ago 133 Далее Скачать
Sen. Isakson Discusses Sen. John Kerry's Nomination for Secretary of State on Fox News SenatorIsakson 3:44 11 years ago 536 Далее Скачать
Watch President Obama Formally Nominate Senator Kerry for Secretary of State PBS NewsHour 7:27 11 years ago 7 125 Далее Скачать