Science, Technology and Innovation working towards sustainable development SPRU Sussex 2:40 4 years ago 173 Далее Скачать
Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development UN DESA 2:17 8 years ago 25 384 Далее Скачать
8 Sustainability ideas that will change the world | FT Rethink Financial Times 5:03 2 years ago 299 898 Далее Скачать
Harnessing Science, Technology & Innovation for the SDGs JST Channel 1:14 5 years ago 627 Далее Скачать
Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development United Nations ESCAP 24:25 9 years ago 661 Далее Скачать
USRio+2.0: Science, Technology and Innovation for 21st Century Sustainable Development Stanford Graduate School of Business 30:42 12 years ago 952 Далее Скачать
SDG Innovate: Science and Technology for Sustainable Development SGInnovate 1:10:09 Streamed 5 years ago 1 553 Далее Скачать
Technological Innovation for Sustainable Development Carnegie India 33:01 2 years ago 3 612 Далее Скачать
Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals Science Diplomacy 59:26 7 years ago 3 398 Далее Скачать
Second Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs - Press Conference United Nations 27:25 7 years ago 537 Далее Скачать
Science, Technology and Innovation to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals IIT Delhi 1:08:26 Streamed 1 year ago 927 Далее Скачать
Science, Technology and Innovation for 2030 Agenda - WeAppHeroes social platform UNDP World Centre for Sustainable Development 1:09 7 years ago 265 Далее Скачать
New sustainable development goals: the role of science Stockholm Resilience Centre 3:19 12 years ago 767 Далее Скачать
Creating a Sustainable Future through Technology Innovation | Dr. Wayne Xu | TEDxSongshanLake TEDx Talks 17:22 1 year ago 540 Далее Скачать
7 Technologies for a sustainable future DiscoverMHI (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.) 1:35 5 years ago 10 887 Далее Скачать
BIC: Two minutes to understand sustainable development BIC Group Official 3:50 9 years ago 488 002 Далее Скачать
JST SDGs: Harnessing Science, Technology & Innovation for the SDGs (English, 1 min) JST STI for SDGsチャンネル 1:27 2 years ago 152 Далее Скачать
Harnessing science, technology and innovation is key for transforming our agrifood systems. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 0:25 2 years ago 94 Далее Скачать