Film Before Film - Phenakistoscope, Zootrope, Praxinoscope Bernard Welt 3:37 12 years ago 251 077 Далее Скачать
The Earliest Photographic Moving Pictures (1852) - A Stereoscopic Phénakisticope Disc Old Films and Stuff 0:10 4 years ago 12 218 Далее Скачать
4. Phenakistoscopes | STEAM Project (How to Make/DIY) | Drawn to Life: Animation in Nature Mike Cope Mike Cope | COPETOONS 11:50 3 years ago 50 084 Далее Скачать
The Praxinoscope, invented in 1877, uses a rotating drum and mirrors to create moving pictures Rescue & Restore Shorts 0:20 2 years ago 599 189 Далее Скачать
Phenakistiscope (or phenakistoscope). Optical antique animation toy. First precinema device Animation history museum. Музей истории анимации 1:00 4 years ago 15 020 Далее Скачать
PHENAKISTOSCOPE - Tribute to Joseph Plateau - kleshaproduction 2:12 8 years ago 171 010 Далее Скачать
PHENAKISTOSCOPE - Joseph Plateau's discs animated Noel Collection 1:05 3 years ago 35 628 Далее Скачать
Phenakistoscpe Testing- How to view your Phenakistoscope / phénakisticope / φενακιστικός shimhue jj 1:42 2 years ago 28 Далее Скачать