ERS Webinar Series 2022: Radiological and Surgical Anatomy of the Sinuses and the Skull Base ERS, European Rhinologic Society 1:06:22 2 years ago 2 442 Далее Скачать
Il problema dei Linfonodi. Moderatore Roberto Maroldi Radiologia Cremona 1:02 6 years ago 806 Далее Скачать
Forme Maligne Secondarie. Introduzione. Roberto Maroldi. Radiologia Cremona 2:30 6 years ago 131 Далее Скачать
CT and antibiotics for acute rhinosinusitis - Choosing Wisely 4AI4YOU 5:13 10 years ago 1 467 Далее Скачать
What is chronic sinusitis and what are the symptoms? American Sinus 2:49 9 years ago 639 Далее Скачать
ESOR Course for EDiR: Oral cavity and oropharyngeal pathology (Prof. R. Maroldi) myESR - European Society of Radiology 1:40 3 years ago 685 Далее Скачать
Forme Maligne Secondarie. Discussione. Roberto Maroldi Radiologia Cremona 15:26 6 years ago 75 Далее Скачать
08 Neoplasie del Pomone. Introduzione. Roberto Maroldi Radiologia Cremona 0:56 6 years ago 122 Далее Скачать
ESOR Course for EDiR: Paranasal sinus inflammation (Prof. R. Maroldi) myESR - European Society of Radiology 2:17 3 years ago 1 007 Далее Скачать
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Signs and diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis | Prof. Dr. Andreas Leunig EUFOREA 1:18 7 years ago 835 Далее Скачать
15 How to solve critical imaging issues in acute & chronic rhinosinusitis. Roberto Maroldi Radiologia Cremona 29:31 7 years ago 316 Далее Скачать
Base Cranica: Imaging delle Neoplasie di Confine. Roberto Maroldi Radiologia Cremona 44:35 6 years ago 804 Далее Скачать
Reliable anatomical landmarks to navigate in FESS without navigator. Egyptian stayhome webinar medical student 1:17:37 4 years ago 180 Далее Скачать