Explosive power of China's first hydrogen bomb中国第一颗氢弹爆炸威力,小崽子们等着! 黑神话悟空全集剧情 0:23 3 years ago 37 319 Далее Скачать
HD 1956年美國第一顆實戰氫彈試驗過程 THE story of US 1th H bomb testing Atomic Tests Channel 3:15 7 years ago 37 567 Далее Скачать
After the successful test of China's first hydrogen bomb, why did the French president be furious? 影中纪实 1:13 3 years ago 2 515 Далее Скачать
中国第一颗氢弹爆炸试验成功 Successful explosion test of China's first hydrogen bomb JIAYOU CUI 0:20 4 years ago 275 Далее Скачать