Grass carp is really easy to do, no need to fry, no need to fry, it’s tender and delicious. 懒人饭饭-官方频道 1:47 3 years ago 6 983 Далее Скачать
It turns out that it's so simple to pick the fishbone of grass carp. let it taste like tofu. 冯小厨 5:27 4 years ago 423 931 Далее Скачать
吃了40多年的草鱼,最爱这种特色做法,上海熏鱼,本帮熏鱼外酥里嫩特别好吃。这才是草鱼最好吃的做法,江浙熏鱼和上海爆鱼做法。草鱼怎么做才不腥,为什么有土腥味#熏鱼#上海熏鱼#上海爆鱼#爆鱼#炸鱼块#草鱼 大厨阿斗 Chef Adou 8:01 1 year ago 5 109 Далее Скачать
Eat more grass carp in winter, I will teach you a new method, the fish meat in the pot is tender 阿朝哥美食 9:02 2 years ago 68 298 Далее Скачать
草鱼养殖迎来新装备!有了它,普通草鱼身价倍增,年销售额竟突破5000万元!「致富经」20220119 农业致富经 Agriculture And Farming 25:16 Streamed 2 years ago 50 617 Далее Скачать
“吃草鱼不挑刺”成现实!“无刺”草鱼吃起来有多爽?「“鱼篓子”中的“黑科技”」| 农业致富经 Agriculture And Farming 农业致富经 Agriculture And Farming 3:08 3 months ago 814 Далее Скачать
小伙投38000养鱼,今天拉网才发现草鱼都不见了,这下亏大了 #户外抓鱼 #我的农村生活 #三农流量扶持计划 #新农人计划2024 石頭記事 4:47 7 hours ago 4 488 Далее Скачать