In Episode #069 of The Nishikigoi Journal, Ricky embarks on a journey to two remarkable koi farms in Japan. The first stop is Kansuke Koi Farm, a hidden gem high in the mountains. Here, Ricky checks on a collection of Azukari Kohaku, and the results are breathtaking. With pure white shiroji, deep beni, and unique pattern styles, Kansuke’s Kohaku showcase exceptional quality and beauty.
Next, Ricky visits the rising star Sakamaki Koi Farm to check on one of his own Kohaku. To his surprise, Sakamaki San has kept a selection of Tosai for Ricky to ship to the UK early next year. These Tosai are brimming with potential and add an exciting twist to an already unforgettable day.
This episode offers viewers a closer look at the art of koi breeding and the dedication behind producing these extraordinary fish.
#KansukeKoiFarm #SakamakiKoiFarm #KohakuKoi #AzukariKoi #TosaiKoi #JapaneseKoi #KoiFish #KoiSelection #NishikigoiJournal #KoiBreeding
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