On Thursday, the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel, paid tribute to the ten District Reserve Guard (DRG) personnel and one driver who lost their lives in an IED attack by Naxals in Dantewada. A wreath-laying ceremony was held to honor the fallen soldiers, during which the CM laid wreaths at the coffins of the slain soldiers.
A gun salute was also given to the fallen soldiers during the ceremony, which was attended by senior officials of the state administration, including the state Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu, Chief Secretary Amitabh Jain, and Director General of Police Ashok Juneja, among others.
In addition to paying tribute to the fallen soldiers, CM Bhupesh Baghel also met with the family members of the jawans and offered his condolences. The state government has announced financial assistance of Rs. 50 lakh each to the families of the soldiers who were killed in the attack.
The attack occurred on Wednesday in the Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh when a vehicle carrying DRG personnel was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED) planted by Naxals. The soldiers were on their way back from a combing operation when the incident occurred. The driver of the vehicle also lost his life in the attack.
The state government has condemned the attack and announced that it will take all necessary steps to bring the perpetrators to justice. The Chief Minister has also ordered an immediate review of the security arrangements in the area and instructed the police to intensify their operations against the Naxals.
The attack has once again highlighted the continuing threat posed by Naxalism in several parts of the country, particularly in Chhattisgarh, where such attacks have become almost routine. Despite efforts by the government to counter the Naxal insurgency, the situation remains precarious, with periodic attacks on security forces and civilians.
The incident has also raised questions about the effectiveness of the government's strategy in dealing with the Naxal problem. While the government has launched several schemes aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions of the people in Naxal-affected areas, experts argue that a more comprehensive approach is needed to address the root causes of the problem.
The government has also been criticized for its heavy-handed approach towards the Naxal insurgency, with allegations of human rights violations by security forces. Many have called for a more nuanced approach that takes into account the grievances of the local population and addresses their concerns.
In the wake of the attack, the government has once again reiterated its commitment to tackling the Naxal problem and ensuring the safety and security of its citizens. However, it remains to be seen whether these promises will translate into concrete action on the ground.
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