I'm sorry because there is no english text on the video :(
Sudah cukup lama kereta Phillipine National Railways(PNR) buatan Industri Kereta Api(INKA) Madiun ini tidak melakukan test run. test run terakhir yang dilakukan kala itu adalah Test Run pertama CC 300 20 03(DHL 9003) dan 5 Keretanya dengan relasi Madiun - Kertosono PP pada bulan September lalu kalau tidak salah. dan sejak hari Jum'at minggu lalu 2 Trainset dari kereta PNR INKA melakukan test run kembali. Trainset yang kembali menjalani test run adalah Trainset 2 dan Trainset 3 nya. Perjalanan dilakukan 2 kali dengan relasi awalnya Madiun - Surabaya Gubeng. Test run ini dilakukan untuk memenuhi target jarak tempuh test run sejauh 2000 KM. Saya baru bisa mendapatkan KLB ini pada saat relasinya sudah berubah menjadi Madiun - Kalitidu PP. Disini juga terdapat momen unik yaitu saat CC 300 12 01 milik Direktur Jenderal Perkeretaapian menggandeng CC 300 20 01 milik PNR :D
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It has been quite a while since the Philippine National Railways (PNR) train made by the Railway Industry (INKA) Madiun has not conducted a running test. The last running test that was carried out at that time was the first Running Test CC 300 20 03 (DHL 9003) and 5 trains with the Madiun - Kertosono PP relationship last September, if I'm not mistaken. and since last Friday 2 Trainset from the PNR INKA train has conducted another running test. Trainset that has returned to undergo a running test is Trainset 2 and Trainset 3. The trip was carried out twice with his relation from Madiun - Surabaya Gubeng. This running test was conducted to meet the running test distance target of 2000 KM. I was only able to get this KLB when the relation had changed to Madiun - Kalitidu PP. There is also a unique moment here, when CC 300 12 01 belonging to the Director General of Railways collaborates with PNR's CC 300 20 01: D
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sorry if the english translation was bad :)
#pnr #cc300 #inkapnr #inka
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