The Garden of Forking Paths by Jorge Luis Borges. Translated by Helen Temple and Ruthven Todd. Narrated by Joseph Voelbel. Educational Use.
Get lost in a labryinth both fictional and literal. Find a way to save a town from the bombs of the enemy, at all costs. Fancy a chance encounter with Goethe. Travel through the mind of a detective hell bent on stopping a crime. In this short, Borges offers an insight into the meeting of great men, and an irreconcilable twist of fate.
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The Garden of Forking Paths by Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis BorgesBorgesAuthorShort StoryArgentinaThe Garden of Forking PathsFiccionesThe GardenLabyrinthMirrorHelen TempleRuthven ToddJoseph VoelbelEducationLiteratureGreat LiteratureAuthor SeriesAudio BookStory TimeEnglishSpanishOne Thousand and One NightsOxfordMazeBookMoonManuscriptsCaptainGoetheChiefVictoria OcampoA History of the World WarEnglandGermany