CANTO XXVI of Dante's Paradiso 8th heaven: the Fixed stars. Dante meets St. John, who tests him on Charity Then he meets Adam, who discusses with him about history and language.
00:00 Canto XXVI Overview and Structure
5:04 The three theological virtues
10:31 First tercets of the canto
13:01 Ananias
14:41 Love for Beatrice
16:08 Dante's 1st answer
17:57 John's 2nd question
23:35 John's 3rd question
28:11 Second part of the canto
32:52 Dialogue with Adam
Music: "Sanctus" [ Ссылка ]
Translations used for this video: Allen Mandelbaum [ Ссылка ] Robert Hollander [ Ссылка ] Robin Kirkpatrick [ Ссылка ]
PARADISO CANTO XXVI Commentary and Analysis
divine comedydante divine comedydante paradisodante's paradiseparadisoparadiso dante lecturedante paradiso summaryparadise 29divine comedy summaryparadise summarydante paradise summaryparadise 27dante paradise canto xxviidivine comedy lessondivine comedy lecturecanto 26 paradiseparadiso 26canto xxvi paradisecanto xxviparadise 26paradise xxviparadiso canto 26canto 33 paradise