How To String Natural Gut Mains On Tennis Rackets
If you are stringing a hybrid setup and the mains are natural gut or a soft multifilament and the cross is a firm string such as polyester you must adjust your knot tie offs.
Knots are anchored on an existing string. If you knot a firm string such as polyester around a soft string such as natural gut or a multifilament the firm string with cinch through the soft string and cause premature breakage.
"Gut on gut and poly on poly" tie offs is the industry solution to this setup. Your final gut/multi outer mains are immediately tied off on the second to last main. Your firm string first cross is tied onto itself on the 2nd cross. Your firm string last cross is tied onto itself on the 2nd to last cross
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How To String Natural Gut Mains On Tennis Racket
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