This is how I tilted the bed to replace the fuel pump on my 88 Chevy 1500 1/2 ton truck . This works on a lot of trucks; I'd say any having a fuel pump inside the fuel tank. Having now replaced Chevy in-tank fuel pumps using the bed tilt method and the drop tank method, I can honestly tell you to drop the fuel tank to replace the fuel pump. There are many advantages to dropping the gas tank to replace the fuel pump over tilting the truck bed to replace the fuel pump. Just to get started on the fuel pump replacement I had to remove or loosen 8 bad bolts, 2 ground wire bolts, 2 wire connectors, remove the 6 receiver hitch bolts and remove the 8 rear bumper bolts. Now the fuel pump replacement can start. What if the little rubber hose had to be replaced? I's still have to drop the tank to gain access to one end of the hose!. Tilting the bed is not only potentially dangerous but could cause damage to the truck or injury to the person doing the work. It ain't light! Do yourself a favor; watch a video of both methods and make your own decision about which way you want to proceed before committing to it.
Chevy Fuel Pump Replacement - Bed Tilt Method
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