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Hello & Welcome to TrainingEngineer Channel
This channel is dealing with the most used softwares by Engineers & technical students or anyone interested! This channel will provide the tutorials and trainings which related to those software! Also it will be helpful to whom intended to learn at home!
This Channel will contain topics about:
► MATLAB TUTORIALS -Matlab for beginners, Matlab mathematics - MATLAB simulink
► Inventor TUTORIALS: Autodesk inventor for beginners - Inventor sketch - Inventor features - Autodesk Inventor practical examples
Future Plans:
► Hydroponics Engineering
► Arduino & Electronics Projects
AUTODESK INVENTOR - CATIA - 3D Modelling - Engineering Drawing & Programming - Matlab tutorials - Matlab programming
►SolidWorks Tutorials: ► [ Ссылка ]
►SolidWorks Surface Tutorials: ► [ Ссылка ]
►Solidworks Sketch Tutorials: ► [ Ссылка ]
►SolidWorks Beginner Tutorial: ► [ Ссылка ]
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66 AutoDesk Inventor Tutorial: UCS Coordinate System
Autodesk Inventor (Software)Inventor 2013Autodesk inventor tutorial for beginnersautodesk inventor beginner tutorialinventor surface tutorialinventor drawingCADCAD/CAMinventor 2013 tutorial20142015pewdiepiedesignlearn autodesk inventorautodesk inventor fusionSolidWorks (Software)Autocad (Software)solidwrks tutorialCATIA v5Autodesk 3ds Max (Software)autodesk inventor advancedautodesk inventor assemblyautodesk inventor simulation