The Lea Valley White Water Centre Legacy Course Assessment is a proficiency assessment you have to take so you can book onto and paddle on the Legacy white water course without and instructor.
You have to prove you can competently;
self rescue; Eskimo rescue or Eskimo roll
Having really got into my paddling, just four months into my training with a few river trips under my belt and the repeated sessions at Lea Valley white Water Centre including loads of capsizing I decided to go for my Legacy Course Assessment at Lea Valley. Only just on the cusp of having the necessary skills to pass, I was looking at a big gap in the diary of available qualified coaches to take me on the course and thus me keep my progress up so I took the snap decision to try an assessment.
Thankfully I smashed it and really enjoyed myself too. Passing my assessment was an incredible feeling very similar to the sort of feeling you get when you pass your driving test. I’d convinced myself it was no big deal if I failed and that I was only just ready to try but realistically I knew it was a really big deal if I could pass so that I can safely use the course and continue the pace of my development working on my own/ with friends and with more coaching sessions.
After passing my assessment, Johann a volunteer coach at LV, a blooming lovely bloke and an incredibly skilled paddler very kindly took me round the course a few times teaching me some great finesse and taking me into some of the more bad-ass eddies. Managed to capsize when doing cool stuff with Johann but it was going to take a lot more than a cap to wipe the smile of my face that night!
It was getting late when we left and the pub we had dinner at was too noisy for a triumphant post-assessment piece to camera, hence the stitched on bit at the end.
Hope you enjoy the vid, if nothing else to see me being a pratt
Lee Valley Legacy Course Kayak Assessment Success!
jon davies kayakoutdoor activity instructorjon davies outdoor activity instructorlea valleylea valley white waterlea valley white water assessmentlea valley assessmentlea valley kayaklea valley kayak assessmentoutdoor activity instructor assessmentinstructor assessmentkayaking at lea valleyeskimo rescueLegacy course assessmentLea valley white water centreLegacy white water courselea valley white water centrecapsizewhite water course capsize