Join Team BDS as they tell the story of Double Kaasboer, their best ace pigeon ever, with a short racing career of only one year. Descending from the New Kaasboer, from PEC, who is himself a son of the Kaasboer from Gaston van de Wouwer, Double Kaasboer surprised everyone by winning a top prize from Bourges in his first national race.
In this video, Team BDS shares how they obtained Double Kaasboer, his racing career, and his impressive results, including winning the 1st and 5th best yearlings in Belgium over three long distance races. Additionally, the video features some of their other successful pigeons from Rudi De Saer, Norbert & Stefan Ally, and Joël Verschoot, including Lady Narbonne, winner of Narbonne in 2019. Watch until the end to find out what happened when they received an offer from PEC to do co-breeding with Double Kaasboer.
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Team BDS's Top Ace Pigeon of All Time: Double Kaasboer
Pigeonpigeon racingracing pigeonstaubenbrieftaubensportbrieftaubenDuivenduivensportgüvercinPipaPorumbeiporumbei de cursesportul cu porumbeiGołębiegołębie pocztowesport gołębiarski鴿子TaubenZuchtbelgian pigeonsTaubenLiebepigeon breedingnationale winnaarsnational racesnational winnerspigeon fancierPostduivenAsduivennationale racesتربية_الحمام_الزاجلسباق_الحمام_الزاجلالفائزون_الوطنيونأصول_الحمام_الزاجلهاوي_الحمام_الزاجل