I have put together a German Blue Ram Care Guide for all of you interested in how to take care of The German Blue Ram.
The German Blue Ram in a Beautiful, Peaceful and very Social South American Cichlid with a Great Personality.
Although Cichlids are often thought of as aggressive fish, German Blue Rams are one of the best Cichlids for community tanks.
The German Blue Ram is a vibrantly colored and peaceful fish, perfectly suited for well established community fish tanks.
Their eyes are red with a vertical black band that runs down their eyes and their fins are yellow or red with blue lines which are almost transparent. When you see a healthy ram in breeding condition, They display almost every color of the rainbow.
They need to live in a peaceful community aquarium as they will struggle in an aggressive tank.
Large aggressive fish are not a good match. Avoid large aggressive Cichlids.
German Blue Rams can live with almost any community fish that can thrive in the same high temperatures, such as tetras, Cory catfish, plecos, discus, angelfish, and other dwarf cichlids. They don't do well with really fast eaters that will outcompete them for food or larger fish (like oscars) that may consider them food.
German Blue Rams are not from Germany.
The name "German blue" refers to a color variation that was selectively bred in Germany and became popular worldwide in the aquarium trade.
German Blue Ram Cichlids are originally from South America.
In the wild, they live in the Amazon River, especially the Orinoco River Basin in Venezuela and Colombia.
Blue Rams are used to slow flowing rivers having plenty of vegetation so it's important to have dense pockets of plants with plenty of open swimming space so plants and rocks are a must in your aquarium. Some good plants you can use for your aquarium are Java Fern, Amazon Swords and Wisteria and most other easy plants.
German Blue Rams will appreciate a heavily planted tank with lots of hiding places – you can use rocks or driftwood for this.
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German Blue Ram Care Guide
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