Here's Part 2 of our Birds & The Bees series! Now it's time to *talk boys* and answer popular questions like... "What's a drone bee? Where does he come from? What job does he do? What if he doesn't mate? Does he have a hard life?" BEE WARNED (pun intended)...once you watch this, you'll never look at honey bees in the same way!
Cheers, meows, and bee happy :)
Alison, Hobbes & "the girls"
The Birds & The Bees / What Is A Drone Honey Bee?
What is a drone beedrone beewhat is a worker beeworker honey beedrone bee matinglifespan of drone beedrone bees outside the hiveworker bee vs drone beedifference between queen bee and worker beedo drone bees leave the hivehoney beeshivebeekeepingbeekeeperhoneyItalian beemating beesfemale beesbee colonyhoney bee hivedrone vs queendrone hatchingdroneaction dronebeeshoneybeesworker beesqueen beenaturesciencebeehives