One of the nastiest Commander decks I've brewed, this deck combines the discard-heavy antics of an 8-rack deck, with the brutal slogfest that is stax! Your opponents won't be able to keep their cards long enough to deal with you with this fun and powerful Commander deck!
Here's the decklist:
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#MTG #Commander #EDH #magicthegathering #Ixalan
Zoyowa Lava-Tongue EDH/Commander Deck Tech!
commanderplaneswalkermagicEDH Deck TechCommander Deck TechMagic the GatheringMTGMagic: the Gatheringmagic the gatheringPlaneswalker ProjectLost Caverns of IxalanBudget EDHBudget CommanderCasual CommanderCasualIxalanZoyowa Lava-TongueZoyowa Lava TongueRakdosDiscardStax8 RackControlTortureChaosRedBlackRed/BlackBlack/RedBRZoyowa