Check out the new Young Royals Season 3 Trailer starring Edvin Ryding!
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US Air Date: March 11, 2024
Starring: Edvin Ryding, Omar Rudberg, Malte Gårdinger
Network: Netflix
Synopsis: Wilhelm's speech has consequences not only in the court but also throughout the school, as Hillerska confronts the worst crisis in the school's history. The prince and Simon are determined to be together, but what are they willing to sacrifice when realizing that their freedom and love might be at odds with the Royal ideals, traditions, and responsibilities?
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Young Royals Season 3 Trailer
Young RoyalsYoung Royals TrailerYoung Royals Season 3 TrailerYoung Royals S03 TrailerYoung Royals Season 3 TV trailerYoung Royals Season 3 Trailer 2024Young Royals Season 3 Official TrailerTrailerTV Trailer2024 Trailers2024 TV TrailersYoung Royals Trailer 1Young Royals Season 3 NetflixNetflixRTRTTVRotten Tomatoes TVDramaEntertainmentTV SeriesEdvin RydingOmar RudbergMalte GardingerFrida ArgentoNikita Uggla