Have you tried Queso Fresco?
Queso Fresco is a type of farmers cheese that has a soft and crumbly texture originally from Mexico. The flavor is mild, fresh and light and is used as a crumbling cheese eaten on salads or as a dish topping, eaten in chunks with foods like Choclo Desegrande, or used to cook with in dishes like Huevos Rancheros, Enchiladas, Tamales, Empanadas and other incredible dishes. What is your favorite way to enjoy Queso Fresco?
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Have you tried Queso Fresco?
quesofrescomexicancheesefarmerscheesesoftcheesecrumblycheesemexicanfoodcheeseloverfoodieyummydeliciousmildcheesefreshcheeselightcheesecrumblingcheesesaladcheesedishtoppingcheesevmildcheesetastefreshcheesetastelightcheesetasteCrumblingcheesetastechorizohuevosrancherosenchiladastamalesempanadasquesofritoquesoblancoquesodechilequeso frescoqueso blancocheesehow to make cheese