In a dystopian future where Barbs rule the world, cynical YA protagonist Katniss Everdeen is volunteered to compete in their annual death match known as "The Hunger Games". In order to win, she must navigate the stan Twitter circle and learn how to open herself up to others.
"The Hunger Games Musical Parody" is a comedic retelling of Suzanne Collin's modern classic inspired by the likes of Rockwell's "IT: A Musical Parody" and Starkid's "A Very Potter Musical". This was filmed throughout two shows performed on April 21st, 2024.
DISCLAIMER: Due to copyright, "Skyfall" had to be muted to keep this video available in most countries. We are currently trying to figure out how to bring sound back to this section of the video.
Katniss Everdeen.....Addie Imundo [ Ссылка ]
Peeta Mellark.....Dalys Tice [ Ссылка ]
Caesar Flickerman.....Logan Babb
Effie Trinket.....Avery Barber [ Ссылка ]
Gale/Cinna.....Lily Brown [ Ссылка ]
Haymitch.....Pierce Hamilton [ Ссылка ]
Cato.....Kamron Starling [ Ссылка ]
Clove.....Emma Vernon [ Ссылка ]
Marvel.....Rowan Straughter
Glimmer.....Hannah Hall [ Ссылка ]
Rue.....Zachary Meeds [ Ссылка ]
Thresh.....Zain-Martha El-Sinawi
Seneca Crane.....Greyson Howells [ Ссылка ]
President Snow.....Erick Lee [ Ссылка ]
Live Streaming Tribute.....Nova Heil [ Ссылка ]
Foxface/Mrs. Everdeen.....Zephyr Woodard [ Ссылка ]
Primrose Everdeen/Cameraman.....Sydney Lorson [ Ссылка ]
Mayor's Daughter/Boom Mic Guy.....Carly Hosman [ Ссылка ]
Seymour Dick.....Levi Fravel
Writer.....Avery Barber
Director.....Hanna Baker [ Ссылка ]
Assistant Director.....Kieran Perks [ Ссылка ]
Choreographer.....Kieran Perks
Vocal Director.....Tasha Glass [ Ссылка ]
Fight Choreographer.....Sylvia Horstman
Intimacy Coordinator.....Sylvia Horstman
Lighting Design.....Levi Fravel
Sound Design.....Dakota Tinkle [ Ссылка ]
Set Design.....Drew Begley-Weitzman
Costume Coordinator.....Sylvia Horstman
Costume Design.....Sydney Lorson
Stage Management.....Greyson Howells
Prop Design.....Paulo Conarroe DeMarke
Stage Crew.....Hanna Barker, Leif Walter, and Ella Stevens
Camera and Mic Operators.....Jude Powell, Alex Kuhn, and Sam White
Editor.....Avery Barber
Jubilee Directing Lab
Foy's Halloween Stores
We are not affiliated with Suzanne Collins, Lionsgate, or any owners of The Hunger Games property. We do not own the rights to the music used, and we made no profit over the duration of this show.
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