#recipes #recepti #soskuhinja
Brz, jednostavan i jeftin ručak. Otkošteni pileći bataci - Recept / Quick, Easy and Cheap Lunch - Boneless chicken drumsticks - Recipe!
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- 3 do 4 žlice maslinovog ulja
- 1 žličica češnjaka u prahu
- pola žličice mljevenog kima
- 1 žličica slatke paprike u prahu
- pola žličice papra
- 1 žličica soli
- 1 žlica meda
- sok od pola limuna
- 3 pileća batka
- Sol
- Maslinovo ulje
‼️ Pogledajte i ove recepte ‼️
👉 Savršeno ljetno jelo: [ Ссылка ]
👉 Rižoto s tikvicama: [ Ссылка ]
- 3 to 4 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
- half a teaspoon of ground caraway seeds
- 1 teaspoon sweet paprika powder
- half a teaspoon of black pepper
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 spoon of honey
- juice of half a lemon
- 3 chicken drumsticks
- Salt
- Olive oil
Brz, jednostavan i jeftin ručak - Otkošteni pileći bataci
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