Aaron Moulton - The Paranoid Prophet
Mike Bouchet, Lazaros, Sterling Ruby, Max Hooper Schneider, Jennifer West
11 September 2015 - 31 October 2015
Curator: Aaron Moulton
SARIEV Contemporary
Cosmos Cinema
Various secret locations throughout the city
Press release in English
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Press release in Bulgarian
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Film by Benjamin Lee Ritchie Handler
AMERICANAESOTERICA - Aaron Moulton - The Paranoid Prophet
americanaesotericaamericana esotericaMike BouchetSterling RubyMax Hooper SchneiderJennifer Westsariev contemporaryaaron moultonjade helmTunguska Event (Film Subject)Bouvet Island (Geographical Feature)new world orderroko's basiliskalchemical capitalismsuperstitionfringe sciencepseudosciencealchemywitch doctormysticismBulgaria (Country)Plovdiv (City/Town/Village)hail rokolazarosfake newsdonald trumpparanoiaapocalypse