The Uttar Pradesh Govt has cracked down on VHP's Sankalp Diwas meet scheduled scheduled for today. Even as the event was banned, several VHP leaders and workers have been detained, as Ayodhya turns into a fortress to prevent any flare up. Over 2000 security personnal were deployed, even as several VHP activists were placed under house arrest. Meanwhile a political war has broken out with the BJP terming the crackdown as going against democracy and the fundamental rights of people while the Congress backed the Samajwadi Party's decision to ban the event. Download the Times Now India's Election HQ app and get all the election info at one go. Click here: [ Ссылка ] Social Media Links :-
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BJP leader arrested on the way to Ayodhya
BJP leader arrested on the way to AyodhyaVHP meetAyodhyaRam temple in AyodhyaUP Government bans VHP's Sankalp YatraUP GovernmentVishva Hindu ParishadVHP's yatra politicalVHP's Sankalp YatraSankalp YatraRam Templeram temple in ayodhyaUttar PradeshTIMES NOWcurrent affairsbreaking newsworlddaily storiescrimelivenewsviewexclusivechannellatestmost watchedmost viewedtoday2013Indiaheadlinestrending newsnews updates