No doubt, SOP is the most important source of Potash in Pakistan and the same is widely used in the major field crops. In a previous video clip, we explained the status and feasibility of those potash products which are used as fertigation. Difference between SOP and MOP was also highlighted in that video. In this video, we have highlighted the feasibility and status of spray able products of potash. K leaf (Jaffer Agros), Hi K gold and Speedfol K (Swat Agro) and so many other products supplied by several private companies, they work more efficiently than SOP but cannot fulfill all potash requirements of plants but may sometimes be used as partially alternate source of SOP. Conditions of their use and comparative difference of these spray able products has also been mentioned in this video.
Urea fertilizer is one of the major source of Nitrogen and promotes tillering and imparts dark green colour to wheat plants. Now a days, there is an artificial shortage of Urea fertilizer. So farmers are worried about the usage of Nitrogen in their fields of wheat. If we complete the nutrient requirements of wheat in time, we can get higher yield according to the potential of different varieties. Different types have unique potential. Fertilizers play an essential and major role for growth and development of wheat crop to get maximum yield.
Urea fertilizer is the most frequently used as the major and regular source of nitrogen in the most parts of the world. Its nitrogen is taken from the air present in atmosphere of earth (globe) and that is why it has natural tendency to be freed in the environment. Most part of the applied urea is lost through volatilization, leaching deep into the soil and so many other sources. As compared to the winter season or low temperature, losses of nitrogen are more during summer season and high temperature. Salt affected soils and sandy loam soils also cannot make proper use of nitrogen. Keeping these things in view, reduction in the losses of added nitrogen is a very important thing. In this video, we have explained more than 10 points which lead to minimize nitrogen losses which include split application, fertigation, use of sulphur coated or Neem coated formulations and many others. By following these instructions, we can save a large amount of urea. In this way, we can use urea fertilizers in most effective and efficient manner. I hope farmers will follow the instructions given in this video to enhance the benefits of urea fertilizer used in their fields. Efficient use of fertilizers is an important part of production technology of crops.
It is generally recommended that 100-135 kg of urea should be added in the soil for good wheat crop production. No doubt, this recommendation is valid under our agricultural conditions of wheat crop. As it is established that 80% or more of the nitrogen is lost and out of this added quantity, only 20 to 30 kg of urea is available for absorption and just few kilograms for synthesis of amino acids/proteins. Spray able new fertilizers which are more readily taken up and maximum available to wheat crop are required only in few (3-4) kilograms. It means, there is a hell of difference between added and actually required amount of nitrogen. In the light of these comments, we can extract that in case of non-availability of urea fertilizer, we can spray 3-4 kilograms of spray able forms of nitrogen in 3-4 slits during 1st 60 days of its life span. Farmers of rain fed areas can make better use of new fertilizers than adding nitrogen in the soil. Modern production technology of wheat involves trace amounts of different nutrients that are required for better growth and development of wheat crop to enhance its yield.
Katalyst 30% of FMC or Nia Potash30% Syngenta and any other of this potassium oxide (K2O) products are primarily made for fertigation purpose. On the recommendation of FMC, farmers have been spraying Katalyst on wheat and farmers have been getting better wheat production at low price of this product. Department of agriculture does not allow Ketalyst 30% of FMC or Nia Potash30% Syngenta and any other (K2O) based product for spray. Firstly, owing to the chlorine impurities it may scorch the leaves of vegetables and fruit crops. It may also do so in wheat if sprayed @2-3 liter per acre. That is why, FMC company does also not recommend its spray on such crops. The 2nd reason of not spray is that one liter cannot fulfill the total potassium requirements of wheat crop. New fertilizer products are being introduced in our market and being farmers guide, it is our duty to train them about the use of new products. Fertilizers should be used according to their prescribed recommendations to take maximum benefits of a specific fertilizer. No doubt, these fertilizers available in small quantities are very effective but when used in a proper manner.
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