Action starts early at Camp Butmir for a demonstration of various military skills practiced by EUFOR Multinational troops during Exercise Quick Response 2020.
Watched by BiH Ministers, Law Enforcement Authorities, AF BiH representatives and International Ambassadors, the scenario plays out with non-stop action.
Starting with an angry crowd behind 2 heavy roadblocks the information is passed back to HQ from a team of Austrian snipers. First on the scene to deal with the trouble is the Hungarian Company from EUFOR’s Multinational Battalion. Quickly pushing the rioters back under a hail of bottles and sticks they are quickly reinforced by a Company of Austrian soldiers who help remove the blockage.
Through the haze of petrol bombs and smoke grenades the angry mob is pushed further back to allow the SIPA team to gain access and clear an adjacent building. Gun shots are heard and a medical evacuation is on the way courtesy of the EUFOR helicopter. Quickly swooping in to drop help right where it is needed. A quick check from the medic and the injured soldier is hoisted up and away to safety.
Finally the Foxhound vehicles of the UK Company driven at speed by A Company 3 Para, charge into the action. Securing the ground they smash the barricade and round up the remaining protestors.
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