In this video we answer the question "Does Windows 10 run on DOS?"
Even in Windows 10 you can access that black screen with white text, know as the command prompt. You can type in old MS DOS commands like COPY or TREE. So if Windows 10 has this program that looks and behaves like MS DOS, is Windows 10 actually running on top of DOS? Windows 3.1 runs on top of DOS. Does Windows 10 as well? Lets find out!
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Here are some suggestions for videos to check out. If you are interested in learning about MS-DOS and how to use it. Check out this playlist
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If you want to learn more about early versions of Windows and what can be done with them. Check out these playlists.
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Is Windows 10 running on MS DOS?
windows 10 ms dosms dos windows 10dos windows 10ms dos on windows 10ms dos for windows 10windows 10 dosdos in windows 10dos in windowsms dos prompt windows 10this program cannot be run in dos modent virtual dos machinewindows 10 and dosdos on windows 10Dos to windows 10windows dosms doswindows 10windows 10 dos promptdos prompt in windows 10dos prompt windows 10Run dos programs in windows 10Run dos programs in 64 bit windows 10