“Goodnight Mommy” is an Austrian psychological horror film released in 2014, directed by Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala. The story follows a pair of twins, Elias and Lukas, who live in a remote house with their mother. After their mother returns home from plastic surgery, her face is wrapped in bandages, and her behavior turns cold and secretive.
The two begin to doubt whether the woman is really their mother. They noticed a strange and different demeanor that made them feel alien. This suspicion grows into fear, until the children take extreme measures to uncover the woman's true identity.
Throughout the movie, there is a tension that continues to build with a creepy and mysterious atmosphere. At the end of the story, it is revealed that Lukas is actually dead, and the entire experience of the twins is the result of Elias' delusions who has not been able to accept the death of his twin brother.
With a surprising plot twist, “Goodnight Mommy” depicts fear, trauma, and isolation within the frame of intense and profound psychological horror.
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