Debut Album, An Tuagh - Bard and Skald, is available now on most major platforms! [ Ссылка ]
"Gather round, I have a story to tell…
We are flesh and bone,
Made of mud and stars long gone.
Our spirits truly exist in stories and song.
Rowing gently over our thoughts, like Seas.
In the sounds of the creaking trees.
Verse on the tongues of our families.
We die once when our blood runs cold,
A second when name and deeds go untold.
Immortality then gained like the gods of old:
'Cattle die, Kinsmen die.
But I know of that which does not die…'
These are the words of the High One,
Othin, Grimnir, the Old One-Eye.
But in the end, flesh and bone,
Is made of mud and stars long gone.
We only ever do exist,
In the telling of great stories and song."
Music and Lyrics copyright Jamie Keddie (An tuagh) 2021
Video Editing by Sohlaroids (Matt Sohl)
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An Tuagh - Stories and Song (Scottish Pagan Poetry)
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