The film revolves around Nora, a young woman who has been kidnapped, drugged, and tortured by a group of sadists. Due to her inconclusive evidence, she is believed to be mentally ill and begins a search to find the truth behind her attack.
Instagram: @inflictionthemovie
Directed by Ketak Dhiman & Alexandria Pascucci
Produced by Alexandria Pascucci, Ketak Dhiman, & Melissa Pascucci
Cinematographey/Sound Mixing by Philip Dias Jr.
Music by Shawn Perez
Written by Alexandria Pascucci
Alexandria Pascucci
Melissa Pascucci
Lou Pipon
Harry Bowers
Alyson Abril
Ankit Sharma
Kevin Gabel
Vince Santiago
Greg Nugent
Erick Moscoso
Cecilia Na
Kareem Thompson
Dan Gregory
Kyle Hughes
Richard Dwyer
Rontazia Stackhouse
Irene Hernandez
Savanna Cummin
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