This is our continuation series of Soc Level 1 learning path on Put your snort skills into practice and write snort rules to analyse live capture network traffic.
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SNORT Challenge -The Basics: Tryhackme Soc Level 1 path
pclinuxhackerhackhackedhackingvulnerabilityexploitationthmtry hack me walkthroughtry hack me beginnertry hack me reviewtryhackmetryhackme soc level 2 paththm soc level 2try hack me soc level 2soc level 1thm soc level 1soc lvl 1try hack mesnortsnort introhow to use snortsnort network IDSsnort IPStryhackme snortthm snortsnort challenge the basicssnort challengechallengethm snort challengebasicstryhackme snort walkthrough