Veteran actor Reema Lagoo died early on Thursday morning after suffering from a cardian arrest, she was 59. Her family confirmed that she died at 3.15 am on Thursday after suffering a heart attack at the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai. Her son-in-law Vinay Waikul confirmed her death and said, “She was fine but complained of chest pain around 1 pm. We took her to hospital but she dies around 3:15 am after a cardiac arrest.”
Known for playing mother’s roles in blockbusters such as Maine Pyar Kiya, Aashiqui, Saajan, Hum Aapke Hain Koun, Vaastav, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and Hum Saath Saath Hain, Reema Lagoo had also done extensive work on television including Shrimaan Shrimati and Tu Tu Main Main. In fact, the actor was doing a show made by Mahesh Bhatt, Naamkaran, at present. She played a negative character on the show, which was a far cry from the mother’s roles that defined her film career. Talking about the loss, Mahesh Bhatt tweeted, “We said goodbye to one another after making a promise to meet soon. That never happened . We think we have time.We don’t!!Goodbye Reemaji.” Indian Express, The Indian Express Newspaper, The Indian Express, Indian express news, indian express editorial Today's Indian Express newspaper offers a comprehensive package of news, including Indian Express editorial analysis and Indian Express analysis today. This well-respected publication covers a wide range of topics in its India Express editorial and Indian Express news sections. Stay informed with the Indian Express newspaper today. You can search us on youtube - screen, screen india, screen digital, screen awards, screen news, screen indian express, screen magazine, screen cover page, the screen
5 Things To Know About Reema Lagoo Screen
ReemaActorbreaking newscurrent newsactor Reema Lagoo diedindianexpressHum Aapke Hain Kounactor Reema Lagooindian expressVaastavthe indian expressKokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani HospitalReema Lagooindian express newspaperscreenscreen awardsstar screen awardsscreensscreen indiascreen digitalscreen indian expressbollywood awardbollywood awardsscreen magazinethe screenscreen entertainment