When the Devil Gene completely takes over Jin's mind, he becomes crazed, arrogant, witty, seemingly cannibalistic (as shown in his scenario campaign dialogues), aggressive, destructive and brooding. He seeks to achieve ultimate power, and will do whatever it takes to achieve it. He is also very confrontational & sadistic, as he has a habit of laughing at the suffering of his foes during his win animations. He refers to his opponents as "Prey" & relishes the fear of those who encounter him. He does not seem to his human form's friends or associates (as shown in his scenario campaign dialogues where he does not recognize Heihachi, Xiaoyu, Asuka, or Eddy).
When Jin manages to get his Devil Gene under control, as shown in the non-canon Tekken: Blood Vengeance, Devil Jin retains his human form's sanity.
The only people that seem to be able to bring Jin back to his human senses, are: his mother Jun or his relative, Asuka Kazama (even though she's unaware) as the Kazama family can neutralize the devil gene.
Tekken 7: Devil jin {Story Mode}
AkumaAlexAlisa BosconovitchAncient OgreAngelAnna WilliamsArmor King IAsuka KazamaBryan FuryClaudio SerafinoDevil KazuyaDevil JinDevil KazumiEddy GordoElizaGigasGun JackJin KazamaHwoarangHeihachi MishimaJinpachi MishimaKazumi MishimaJun KazamaKazuya MishimaKing I/IILing XiaoyuMarshall LawNina WilliamsPaul PhoenixShaheenSlim BobYoshimitsuTrue OgreSteve FoxTekken 7Tekken