Medicine Buddha Mantra
tadyathā om̆
̇bhekadze bhekadze mahā bhekadze bhekadze
rāja samutgate svāhā
The best way to cure disease is through your own mind - in other words, through meditation. Not only is meditation the most effective method for healing, but also there are no negative side effects. Meditation promotes peace and calm, and boosts the immune system. You transmit to others the happiness you experience, and thus you benefit them as well. Keep your mind steady, and you can achieve great benefits for yourself and for others without deceiving yourself.
Om Bekandze Bekandze
Maha Bekandze Bekandze
Radza Samudgate Soha
May the many sentient beings
who are sick,
quickly be freed from sickness.
And may all the sicknesses of beings
Never arise again.
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