Similar to the Zen practice animation, this is a remastered stickman fight to showcase Rai’s combat style and ability. I also experimented with the Stick Nodes 4.0.0 Sprite Update.
If this video gets 175 likes, then Armagon (from the Rai and Volt Vs Armagon joint with ElementXYZ) will finally return to the channel. He’ll get a stick figure animation in the same style that Rai and Zen have received.
You all did AMAZING on the last like goal, reaching it in only 11 days. Thank you so much for that, the video did really well. I hope this animation makes it worth it, and I’ll appreciate everybody who helps reach the 175 like goal on this video too.
Zen Sword Combo Reanimation: [ Ссылка ]
Thanks to Psycho for the thumbnail: here is his Twitter:
[ Ссылка ]
App: Stick Nodes Pro 4.0.0
#sticknodes #stickman #animation
Rai Combo Practice Reanimation - Stick Nodes Animation
Stick NodesStick Nodes Animationraimondo lukashastick nodes zenstick nodes raistick nodes practice animationraimondo animsunstoppable sticknodesStick figure animationAnimationStick FigureStick Nodes Raimondostick nodes fightStick Nodes RemasterStick Nodes ReanimatedStick Nodes Sprite UpdateStick Nodes 4.0.0 Sprite Updatecombo animationhand to hand combat animationrai lukashastick manOC animation