This year (2014), on 24 July, the suffering of victims of Keraterm camp, which was established near Prijedor during the war, is commemorated in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Many atrocities were committed in the camp. One of the most brutal crimes happened around 24 - 26 July 1992, when Bosnian Serb Army personnel came to the camp after dark, and set up a machine gun outside Room 3 in one of the camp's buildings. Thereafter, gunshots were heard, followed by screams. The next morning, dead bodies that had been left piled outside Room 3 were taken away in a truck, leaving a trail of blood. At least 128 people were killed in this incident.
Rape and sexual assaults were perpetrated in Keraterm, and contributed greatly to an atmosphere of fear and psychological torture, through which detainees were harassed, humiliated and abused.
A number of ICTY cases have dealt with the events at Keraterm, including the Radoslav Brđanin and Milomir Stakić cases, as well as the ongoing trials of Karadžić, Mladić and Stanišić & Župljanin.
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