"Black-ish" is a sitcom that revolves around the lives of an upper-class African-American family, the Johnsons, who are juggling personal, familial and sociopolitical issues ¹ ². The show follows Andre "Dre" Johnson (Anthony Anderson), a successful advertising executive, and his wife Rainbow (Tracee Ellis Ross), an anesthesiologist, as they raise their children in a predominantly white, suburban neighborhood. The show explores their desire to maintain their cultural identity as Black people while navigating the challenges of living in a predominantly white community. The show also features their children, Zoey (Yara Shahidi), Andre Jr. (Marcus Scribner), Jack (Miles Brown) and Diane (Marsai Martin), as well as Dre's father, Earl (Laurence Fishburne), and other family members and friends. Throughout its run, "Black-ish" received positive reviews and won several awards, including the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Television Series - Musical or Comedy for Tracee Ellis Ross's performance.
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